FOHRA Annual Dinner Meeting w/Guest Speaker November 8
Friends of Highland Recreation Area, 10th Anniversary Annual Dinner Meeting
6:00 pm, Wednesday, November 8, 2017
$25.00 Per Person
Bakers of Milford
2025 S. Milford Road, Milford, MI 48381
$25.00 per Ticket. Dinner Buffet and Guest Speaker
The Board of Directors of the Friends of Highland Recreation Area (FOHRA) would like to welcome its Members and the public to our 10th Anniversary Annual Meeting. The yearly event showcases FOHRA’s volunteer activity at Edsel and Eleanor Ford’s former Haven Hill estate within the Highland State Recreation Area. Dinner will be served and guests will be charged $25.00 to attend. Tickets Available on Our Website. Please reserve before 11/1/17.
2017 Meeting Highlights
Guest Speaker Mr. Russel Doré automotive historian will present, “The Dodge Brothers, Their Company and Their Lives”, a one hour speaking engagement with visuals. Learn how these machinists went from being parts suppliers to creating an automobile company which at one time was second only to the Ford Motor Company. “FOHRA: Ten Years at Haven Hill” – Jay Fitzgerald, FOHRA Secretary. A photographic and video journey of the Friends group and their work over the years at Highland State
FOHRA is committed to supporting Michigan’s Highland State Recreation Area by assisting and promoting interpretive, scientific, historical, and educational visitor services.