Redbud Reveal at the Haven Hill Gate House
The Friends of Highland Recreation Area are once again proud to announce a season-opening event at the Haven Hill Gate House at the entrance to the Highland State Recreation Area in Highland/White Lake, Michigan. We’ve had an early arrival of spring-like weather and beautiful flowering tree blooms at the park this year. To celebrate the arrival of the 2012 spring/summer season the "Redbud Reveal" will be held on the lawn of the Haven Hill Gate House at 1:00 pm, Sunday, April 29. Casual refreshments will be served. This year's kick-off address by FOHRA President Mr. Dick Russell will be highlighted by the first annual "Art on the Hill" exhibit up on Haven Hill Road. This will be the first of several art exhibits this year on Haven Hill.
Art on the Hill: Maps Art - Haven Hill in Place and Time
The Friends group will present a beautiful and informative display of "Maps Art - Haven Hill in Place and Time" on Haven Hill throughout the day Sunday, April 29, starting after 9:00 am. The exhibit is a wonderful show of area history and information presented through the art of cartography. Guests are welcome to enjoy a beautiful walk up Haven Hill whilst enjoying the display.
Please bring your family and friends and join us in the Park on Sunday, April 29 to start the 2012 season at Haven Hill. We'd love to have you!
Go to www.fohra.org for more information about 2012 FOHRA events and the Friends of Highland Recreation Area.
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