FOHRA Partners with Freedom Work Opportunities for Highland Recreation Area Haven Hill Landscaping Services
/The Friends of Highland Recreation Area have enlisted the services of Freedom Work Opportunities to help with the increasing landscape maintenance needs at Haven Hill.
As the volunteer Friends group continues to successfully repurpose and restore the historic Edsel and Eleanor Ford estate structures, their areas of lawn care and landscape maintenance grow. The Friends groups' lease for the historic properties includes a commitment to maintain the properties as progress with their redevelopment is made. And, of course, the volunteers have a passionate desire to elevate and maintain the beauty and historical value of these wonderful former Edsel and Eleanor Ford properties at Highland State Recreation Area.
The Haven Hill Gate House before the foHRa volunteer efforts, circa 2008
Your support of FOHRA's efforts in the state park at the Gate House, Edsel Ford Barn, Carriage House and Lodge site over the last few years have resulted in dramatic improvements to these historic sites. The Friends group wishes to thank everyone for their involvement and donations of financial support that help to pay Freedom Work Opportunities employees for their excellent services.
freedom work opportunities van and gear trailer at haven hill gate house
The Haven Hill gate house landscape's newly found beauty requires increased maintenance and dedication
The Mission of Freedom Work Opportunities is “Empowering adults with disabilities, through compassionate care, while providing FREEDOM to obtain WORK skills and OPPORTUNITIES to feel safe and be valued”. They are a fantastic group of people that enrich our community. The Friends of Highland Recreation Area support their activities and appreciate their services at Haven Hill. Watch the video about this fine organization HERE.
Please support Freed Work Opportunities at the Sparkies fundraiser on July 26.